
Illustrated accessories by Janna Morton


Every Thurs­day I’ll be shar­ing some­thing from my online illus­tra­tion gallery, eyra. eyra shows, writes, and sells illus­tra­tion. The more I see on the web, the more and more I am inter­est­ed in illus­tra­tion beyond just print­ed mat­ter. Specif­i­cal­ly, I mean illus­trat­ed products.

That’s why, when eyra launched its sec­ond exhi­bi­tion, Don’t Call Me Hon­ney (a show about Bal­ti­more, Mary­land), I was elat­ed that Jan­na Mor­ton elect­ed to make some Bal­ti­more-themed brooches for it. They depict dif­fer­ent mas­cots, famous peo­ple, and land­marks around the city. Each is hand-paint­ed and one of a kind. They are about 1 — 2 inch­es in size.

Jan­na’s illus­tra­tion work is col­or­ful, fun, and influ­enced by a myr­i­ad of things, includ­ing Japan­ese dra­mas and things she finds at the thrift store.

You can buy her work on eyra’s online store. Here are a few of my favorites!

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