Embroidery / Illustration

My Studio: ‘Favorite Bites in Baltimore’ Embroidery

Sara Barnes embroidery

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a glimpse into my stu­dio! Here’s a fun embroi­dery I’ve been work­ing on the past cou­ple of weeks. It com­bines two things I love: stitch­ing and good food.

The [work­ing] title for this piece is called Favorite Bites in Bal­ti­more, and it will include a half dozen of my favorite things I’ve eat­en while liv­ing in Bal­ti­more. So far, I’ve com­plet­ed S’mores in a Jar from Hamil­ton Tav­ern and the Dirty­boy from Bun Shop. Now, I’m in the mid­dle of a slice of piz­za from Joe Squared.

I’m plan­ning on embroi­der­ing a few more foods, but nar­row­ing down the choic­es has been real­ly hard. Bal­ti­more has some great restaurants!

(Fol­low me on Insta­gram to see reg­u­lar updates of what I’m work­ing on.)

Sara Barnes embroidery

