Embroidery / Illustration

Izziyana Suhaimi Embroiders on Her Drawings to Keep Them Warm

Izziyana Suhaimi

For many years, I embroi­dered on paper. It’s not the eas­i­est way to work, but it sure cre­ates an inter­est­ing, unex­pect­ed effect that can act as a sub­sti­tute for a pen, pen­cil, or paint. With this idea in mind, illus­tra­tor Izziyana Suhai­mi com­bines draw­ing and thread in her series of por­traits called Friends to keep you warm. The images are what you might expect from the title — peo­ple are depict­ed wear­ing col­or­ful, whim­si­cal hats and scarves. Izziyana draws their faces with a fine-tipped pen and adds a lit­tle shad­ing. Then, she stitch­es and knits their acces­sories so they’ll nev­er be with­out some­thing on their head or neck.

(Thanks for the link, Marisa!!)

Izziyana Suhaimi

Izziyana Suhaimi




