Animation / Embroidery

Amazing Animations: Embroidered Zoetropes by Elliot Schultz

 Elliot Schultz

I love it when embroi­dery is in used in uncon­ven­tion­al appli­ca­tions, and design­er Elliot Schultz has done so in a super cre­ative way. He cre­at­ed a series of embroi­dered zoetrope!

If you aren’t famil­iar with a zoetrope, it’s an ani­ma­tion tech­nique that uses a series of pic­tures on an inner sur­face. When they’re rotat­ed and dis­played — either with a strobe light or by pho­tographs — the illu­sion of motion is created.

For his final project at the ANU School of Art in Aus­tralia, Elliot cre­at­ed six discs with ani­mat­ed sequences embroi­dered on their sur­faces. They were designed to be played on stan­dard turnta­bles, bor­row­ing the shape and size from a 10″ vinyl record. Once they were hit with a strobe light, the ani­ma­tions came to life.

Check out the GIFs and video to see these pieces in action. How cool! (Via Colos­sal)

 Elliot Schultz

 Elliot Schultz


