
Fanny Blanc’s Illustrations of Adventure, Intrigue, and Tragedy

Fanny Blanc

Do you like a good sto­ry? I always do. Dur­ing the sum­mers when I was a kid, my broth­er and I would descend upon the pub­lic library and bor­row many a col­or­ful tales. I think that’s part of the rea­son why I respond so well to the illus­tra­tions of Fan­ny Blanc. They feel as if they’re plucked right from sto­ries of adven­ture, intrigue, and tragedy. I love the styl­ized com­po­si­tions, his­tor­i­cal dress, and her unique col­or choic­es. A blue tree? Sure, why not!

Check out Fan­ny’s blog, too!

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