Paper Craft

A Mural Made Completely Out of Paper by Mlle Hipolyte

Mlle Hipolyte
Not too long ago, I shared some of Mlle Hipoly­te’s amaz­ing paper-craft­ed masks. Since then, I’ve been keep­ing an eye on her work. I was perus­ing Insta­gram yes­ter­day and saw snip­pets of her mur­al-sized paper project. How great! And, bet­ter yet, Mlle post­ed the entire Trop­i­cal Jun­gle on her website.

She explains on Bored Pan­da that every­thing was cut by hand, and it took two weeks to get the paper ele­ments ready to go up on the wall. After­wards, it took six hours to apply it to the ver­ti­cal sur­face. Total­ly worth the time and ener­gy. I love the col­ors and all the small details.
Mlle Hipolyte Mlle HipolyteI-made-this-large-wall-fresco-with-many-pieces-of-paper1__880 I-made-this-large-wall-fresco-with-many-pieces-of-paper__880 Hip-0394__880 Hip-0391__880