
Drum Roll, Please… Announcing the Collage Contest Winner!


We final­ly have a win­ner! After much delib­er­a­tion, Emi­ly Haasch’s col­lage was select­ed by Papir­mass for inclu­sion in an upcom­ing issue (plus a cash prize and free sub­scrip­tion.)  “It’s a very inno­v­a­tive use of col­lage and am impressed with the effect she has achieved with such a lim­it­ed col­or scheme,” Kirsten (of Papir­mass) told me. (Read more about how they made their deci­sion.) Emi­ly’s swap part­ner, Ian Caulkett wins a free sub­scrip­tion, too.

Con­grat­u­la­tions, Emi­ly! Great work. And remem­ber, all Col­lage Scrap Exchange par­tic­i­pants — you can view all sub­mis­sions here. (While you’re there, click on thumb­nail of a col­lage to see it enlarged.)