BPB Projects

Collage Scrap Exchange: My Short List (And Other News)

If you par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Col­lage Scrap Exchange, you might be won­der­ing a cou­ple of things:

1. Where can I see every­one’s submissions?
2. Who is the winner??

Well, I have a def­i­nite answer for your first ques­tion. You can now view every­one’s sub­mis­sion on the Col­lage Scrap Exchange web­site. There are a lot of entries (496!), but luck­i­ly, it’s end­less scrolling, so go crazy!

As for the sec­ond ques­tion… we haven’t select­ed a win­ner yet, but we’re get­ting close. Kirsten of Papir­mass and I both cre­at­ed “short lists” of entries that we liked, and she’ll ulti­mate­ly decide who will grace an upcom­ing issue of Papir­mass. The win­ner will be announced next Fri­day, so stay tuned. In the mean­time, view her list here!

These col­lages are plucked from my short list. If you’ve been read­ing my round up posts all along, then you might rec­og­nize some of these. And, at the risk of sound­ing like a bro­ken record, I want to say how dif­fi­cult it was to nar­row down the list. There were so many strong sub­mis­sions — we had our work cut out for us.

To all par­tic­i­pants — thank you so much for tak­ing the time for the Col­lage Scrap Exchange. It has been an amaz­ing expe­ri­ence to talk to ya’ll and see your work. And, if you weren’t able to join in the fun, no wor­ries! This Exchange will be hap­pen­ing again.

Jude Worters

Jude Worters

Kelly Hayes

Kel­ly Hayes