
Gems on Brown Paper Bag: Picture Books

Who Will Comfot Toffle

As you read this, I am on a much need­ed VACATION! I’m in the desert of the US, enjoy­ing no humid­i­ty and red rocks. Also, Las Vegas. I’ll be gone all week, and in my absence I have some friends help­ing me out with great things to share.

Mal­lo­ry McIn­nis is the lady behind many of your favorite things on the web. Her blog, Gems, cat­a­logs recipes, fash­ion, books, movies, and more. She also runs Illus­trat­ed Ladies, Illus­trat­ed Gents, The Zookeep­er, Wear Col­or, Col­or­ful Homes, and, while you’re at it, check out her vin­tage book col­lec­tion.

Now, with­out fur­ther ado.…


I have a lot of pic­ture books. A lot more pic­ture books than some­one should when that some­one is not a teacher or an illus­tra­tor or a librar­i­an or an art direc­tor or a moth­er or… you get the pic­ture. I just love them and I “orga­nize” them far too often.

(I made the choice to put orga­nize in quo­ta­tion marks in that last sen­tence because they total­ly don’t need to be orga­nized half the time — I just like to aim­less­ly page through them over and over again.)

I was in the midst of an unnec­es­sary orga­ni­za­tion ses­sion yes­ter­day when I decid­ed to take pic­tures of some of my favorite dou­ble-page spreads for this guest post here at the mar­velous Brown Paper Bag. So, I guess the orga­ni­za­tion was nec­es­sary after all! Yes!

Here are some of my favorites.… [Sara’s note: click the images to expe­ri­ence them in their full glory.]

Who Will Comfot Toffle
Who Will Com­fort Tof­fle?: A Tale of Moomin Val­ley writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Tove Jansson


Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears: A Tale Mod­erne writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Steven Guarnaccia


My First Nursery Book
My First Nurs­ery Book by Fran­cisz­ka Themerson


Tip­pin­town: A Guid­ed Tour by Calef Brown


The Lion and the Rat
The Lion and the Rat: A Fable by La Fontaine, illus­trat­ed by Bri­an Wildsmith


Big Rabbit's Bad Mood
Big Rab­bit’s Bad Mood writ­ten by Ramona Bade­s­cu, illus­trat­ed by Del­phine Durand


Dillweed's Revenge
Dill­weed’s Revenge: A Dead­ly Dose of Mag­ic writ­ten by Flo­rence Par­ry Hei­de, illus­trat­ed by Car­son Ellis


Arnie the Doughnut
Arnie the Dough­nut writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Lau­rie Keller


Sea­sons by Blexbolex

Good Sports

Good Sports: Rhymes About Run­ning, Jump­ing, Throw­ing and More writ­ten by Jack Pre­lut­sky, illus­trat­ed by Chris Raschka


Around the World with Mouk
Around the World with Mouk by Marc Boutavant