Embroidery / Sculpture

Fancy! Adorable Hand-Felted Cat Creatures and Regal Poodles

cat rabbit plush

I know, I know. It has­n’t been all that long since I fea­tured the adorable stuffed crea­tures of Cat Rab­bit Plush. But, I vis­it­ed her Big Car­tel shop the oth­er day and was excit­ed by what I saw! She’s added hand-felt­ed fan­cy poo­dles and well-dressed cat crea­tures with their own lit­tle pets.

Since writ­ing about her work, I now own one of Cat Rab­bit’s pieces — a flo­ral alpaca. And, I can attest at how well these are con­struct­ed. They’re pos­able and chock-full of fun details like tiny flo­ral blooms and col­or­ful cheek high­lights. It only makes me want to buy more, more, and more.

cat rabbit plush

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