
Adorably Tiny Totems Mean You Can Carry Your Spirit Animal with You


Small Wild is the online shop of Danielle Ped­er­sen, and it’s where she cre­ates tiny ani­mal totems out of clay. The adorable ceram­ic crea­tures are dec­o­rat­ed with gold accents and oth­er defin­ing details. Some­times, she’ll strap fab­ric acces­sories to their back, as seen above.

I like the idea of car­ry­ing around an object that brings you com­fort, and that’s how I view the items in the Small Wild shop. Maybe the tiger is your spir­it ani­mal, or you iden­ti­fy with the sloth. What­ev­er the case, these fig­urines are a lit­tle reminder of joy that you can take with you through­out your day.

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