
Kirsten Rothbart


Kirsten Roth­bart very recent­ly sent me a link to her Tum­blr. She’s a Ger­man illus­tra­tor study­ing Illus­tra­tion and Com­ic Art at the School of Art And Design in Kas­sel, Germany.

She is inspired by pop­u­lar cul­ture and fash­ion, two things that you can glean from her illus­tra­tions. The char­ac­ters are fash­ion­able, and her com­po­si­tions con­tain things that are a throw-back to the late 90’s/early 2000’s, like talk­ing on a land-line tele­phone and hav­ing a lava lamp.

As an emerg­ing illus­tra­tor, Kris­ten’s work is very cohe­sive. The col­or palette is an obvi­ous way she does it, but her char­ac­ters all feel like they are from the same world. Mov­ing for­ward, I’m excit­ed to see where she goes from here.

All images via her Tum­blr.




Kirsten Rothbart, 2013 ©
