Happy New Year

Picking a Word of the Year While Sounding Like an Aging Millennial

Holding a custom pet portrait in an embroidery hoop

Me hold­ing a cus­tom pet por­trait, the last one I worked on in 2024!

Do you pick out a word for your year? It’s like a mantra you can repeat through­out the 12 months. For 2025, my word is con­sis­tent. I select­ed it, part­ly, because I’ve been large­ly incon­sis­tent with this blog for the past cou­ple of years. It’s not a sin­gu­lar rea­son; life gets in the way! You know the phrase, “the spir­it is will­ing, but the flesh is a mess”? That’s how it feels a lot of the time.

In an effort to live my word of the year, I am back. For real, this time. (How many times have I said that? Sheesh!) I’ve got an edi­to­r­i­al cal­en­dar worked up; it’s mea­ger right now, but I plan to grow it once I am more con­sis­tent. I’ve got a redesign in the works, which hasn’t hap­pened for at least three or four years.

2024 was a big year for me…

My book, Threads of Trea­sure, was pub­lished. After two years of plan­ning, ICON12 hap­pened. My pal Melis­sa and I host­ed our third Camp Craft­away—our largest yet. (And it’s only grow­ing!). I cre­at­ed DIY embroi­dery kits and nee­dle min­ders and sold them at craft markets.

… but I felt like something was missing.

A core part of my iden­ti­ty is this blog. A pod­cast episode where I talked to Abby at Craft Indus­try Alliance made me par­tic­u­lar­ly wist­ful. I start­ed Brown Paper Bag in the ear­ly 2010s (aka my ear­ly 20s) when blog­ging felt mag­i­cal and the inter­net was actu­al­ly fun. (I know I sound like old man yells at cloud, but it’s true!!) Brown Paper Bag has been with me through grad school in Bal­ti­more, through two large moves (to Min­neapo­lis and then Seat­tle, where I live now), and much more. It’s giv­en me incred­i­ble oppor­tu­ni­ties over the years.

In the walled gar­dens of big tech and end­less scroll news­feeds, web­sites are still impor­tant. Human cura­tion is impor­tant, espe­cial­ly in the age of AI. It’s why it has still gnawed at me for so long to return to this place. Still pay­ing for host­ing, still renew­ing the domain every year.

The plan is to write in Brown Paper Bag once a week, on Wednes­days, for a while, and see how that goes. Then, it’s up from there.

There are other ways to find me!

I write in my newslet­ter, Orts, which you can sub­scribe to here. It’s pub­lished on Fri­days. I stopped tweet­ing in 2016 and offi­cial­ly deac­ti­vat­ed my Twit­ter in Novem­ber 2024, so now I’m on Bluesky, where I’m @brwnpaperbag.com.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for read­ing. I’ll see you here next week.