
Over 200 Beautiful Colors’ by Eleanor Davies

Eleanor Davies - Pom pom


You know the pom poms that you’d find on the top of your stock­ing cap? The ones made out of yarn and small enough to hold in your hand? Well, UK-based artist Eleanor Davies cre­at­ed her own pom pom! In a piece titled Over 200 Beau­ti­ful Col­ors, she cre­at­ed a giant pom out of wool, rope, and news­pa­per. Eleanor has detailed the process on her web­site. It’s incred­i­ble to see the con­struc­tion, which takes the stan­dard way of mak­ing a pom pom and repli­cates it on a much larg­er scale. See the process below. All images via her web­site.

Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom Eleanor Davies - Pom pom