Illustration / Lately & Liked

Round Up: 10 Gorgeous Illustrations to End Your Work Week

Here we are, at the end of anoth­er work week! What are your plans for the week­end? I, for one, am going to check out this BUS stop in east Bal­ti­more (please click the link to see that I’m not total­ly nuts).

As you cruise into Sat­ur­day, enjoy these 10 illus­tra­tions that I’ve seen late­ly and liked. Some fea­ture long-time favorites like Andrea Wan, while oth­ers are cre­at­ed by peo­ple I’ve nev­er heard until recent­ly, like the work of Michela Picchi.

Mak­ing a list like this is always fun. You start to notice pat­terns in what you’re pick­ing based on your cur­rent inter­ests. Can you see that that I’m real­ly into bright col­ors and flo­ral draw­ings right now?