Animation / Illustration

Nancy Liang’s Glittering Night Skies in Surreal GIFs


So, when I fea­tured illus­tra­tor Nan­cy Liang’s night­time col­lage scenes last year, I did­n’t real­ize that she was on the cusp of trans­form­ing them into some­thing that’s even more awesome!

Nan­cy has since ani­mat­ed her land­scapes and added glit­ter­ing lights, sub­tle puffs of smoke, and your not-so-aver­age trav­el­ers. They’re mys­te­ri­ous, charm­ing, and have sur­re­al ele­ments in them. After all, when was the last time you wit­nessed a boat trav­el­ing across the night sky?

Check out the rest of Nan­cy’s GIFs on her web­site and Tum­blr. (Via Doo­dlers Anony­mous)

nancy-liang-2nancy-liang-first nancy-liang-3Nancy LiangNancy LiangNancy Liang Nancy Liang Nancy Liang