
Gorgeous Watercolor Paintings Contain Intricate Details by Michelle Morin

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I real­ly love nature, ya’ll. Although I live in a city, it’s com­fort­ing to me to spend time in the grass and under­neath the trees. I was in Cleve­land this past week­end (see my Insta­gram) near Lake Erie, and it was great sit­ting on a rock and over­look­ing the vast body of water. This love is par­tial­ly why I enjoy the work of Michelle Morin so much. She illus­trates dif­fer­ent flo­ra and fau­na in bright col­ors and pat­terns using water-based media.

Morin worked for many years in the hor­ti­cul­tur­al field to cul­ti­vate a rela­tion­ship with plants, wildlife, and their idio­syn­crasies. She writes:

With many years design­ing and main­tain­ing gar­dens, I have nar­rowed my pri­ma­ry focus to nature as a sub­ject to ref­er­ence. I work to con­vey the beau­ty and com­plex­i­ties of nature using tex­ture, pat­tern, and nar­ra­tive ele­ments through­out my work, which range from elab­o­rate water­col­or and gouache compositions…

Buy her prints in her Etsy shop!

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