
10 Amusingly Illustrated Idioms from around the World


In grad school, Lisa and I always enjoyed teach­ing our Mex­i­can pal Eduar­do dif­fer­ent Amer­i­can idioms; the things we say and don’t give a sec­ond thought can real­ly befud­dle some­one who’s a non-native speak­er. In fact, these Idioms of the World total­ly con­fused me! Well, con­fused me and made me laugh. Some of them con­jure hilar­i­ous imagery, and my per­son­al favorite is, “not my cir­cus, not my mon­keys.” It basi­cal­ly means “not my prob­lem” in Polish.

Hotel Club cre­at­ed 10 images that illus­trate dif­fer­ent idioms in Por­tuguese, French, Russ­ian, and more. (Via Mash­able)

6-portuguese-idiom9-russian-idiom 3-polish-idiom 10-finnish-idiom 8-spanish-idoim 7-german-idoim 5-french-idiom 4-japenese-idiom 2-itialian-idiom
