As you read this, I am on a much needed VACATION! I’m in the desert of the US, enjoying no humidity and red rocks. Also, Las Vegas. I’ll be gone all week, and in my absence I have some friends helping me out with great things to share.
Mallory McInnis is the lady behind many of your favorite things on the web. Her blog, Gems, catalogs recipes, fashion, books, movies, and more. She also runs Illustrated Ladies, Illustrated Gents, The Zookeeper, Wear Color, Colorful Homes, and, while you’re at it, check out her vintage book collection.
Now, without further ado.…
I have a lot of picture books. A lot more picture books than someone should when that someone is not a teacher or an illustrator or a librarian or an art director or a mother or… you get the picture. I just love them and I “organize” them far too often.
(I made the choice to put organize in quotation marks in that last sentence because they totally don’t need to be organized half the time — I just like to aimlessly page through them over and over again.)
I was in the midst of an unnecessary organization session yesterday when I decided to take pictures of some of my favorite double-page spreads for this guest post here at the marvelous Brown Paper Bag. So, I guess the organization was necessary after all! Yes!
Here are some of my favorites.… [Sara’s note: click the images to experience them in their full glory.]