
Ellen Surrey’s Vintage-Inspired Illustrations

Ellen Surrey

On Fri­day, I shared work by Ellen Sur­rey. She had illus­trat­ed a part of a look book for Myr­tle LA, and I was instant­ly drawn to her vin­tage-inspired style. And, it’s no sur­prise, either. After check­ing out her Tum­blr, I see she real­ly likes Mary Blair — one of my favorite illus­tra­tors of all time. Using gouache, water col­or and pen­cil, her illus­tra­tions are col­or­ful with empha­sis on shape.

Ellen often shares her pen­cil sketch­es, which I like almost as much as some of her col­or work. Her draw­ings of women remind me a bit of Lau­ra Callaghan’s ladies.

All images via her web­site and Tum­blr.

Ellen Surrey

Ellen Surrey Ellen Surrey

Ellen Surrey


Ellen Surrey Ellen Surrey

ellen12Ellen Surrey Ellen Surrey


Ellen Surrey Ellen Surrey

Ellen Surrey Ellen SurreyEllen Surrey