Embroidery / Illustrated products

Playful Scarves Look Like You’re Wearing a Swan Around Your Neck

Celapiu felt scarves

Artists (and sis­ters!) Celi­na and Maja Debows­ka cre­ate scarves with a play­ful twist—their felt­ed wool designs look like birds. Inspired by the “amaz­ing swan dress­es Björk had worn to the Oscars and on her Ves­per­tine tour,” lay­ers of the crea­tures’ feath­ers and their beaks drape around your neck.

These swans, duck­lings, and flamin­gos can be worn for any occa­sion, but I like how they’re styled here: as a whim­si­cal com­ple­ment to fan­cy dress.

Celi­na and Maja sell their crea­ture stoles through their Etsy shop, Celapiu. There, they pro­duce oth­er ani­mals like fox­es, hors­es, and sloths.

Celapiu felt scarves

Celapiu felt scarves

Celapiu felt scarves

Celapiu felt scarves

Celapiu felt scarves

Celapiu felt scarves

Celapiu felt scarves Celapiu felt scarves