
Little Red Riding Hood Reimagined With Intricate Embroidered Appliqué

Applique Embroidery by Mika Hirasa

At the begin­ning of 2017, I fea­tured the appliqué illus­tra­tions of embroi­dery artist Mika Hirasa. Since then, she’s been busy cre­at­ing more of this type of work illu­mi­nat­ing clas­sic tales. Using a vari­ety of fab­rics and embroi­dery thread, she sews col­lage inter­pre­ta­tions of Lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood (and friends). “Her dream,” Mika writes, “is to live in peace with her dear friends.”

Mika has used a few tell-tale sym­bols of the icon­ic sto­ry, includ­ing the lit­tle girl and the wolf. These illus­tra­tions, how­ev­er, would­n’t be com­plete with­out the use of red. For this, Mika used “a lot of Japan­ese antique red clothes” and lay­ered dif­fer­ent col­ors, tex­tures, and pat­terns atop one anoth­er to pro­duce the intri­cate scenes.

Mika Hirasa reimagines the iconic fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood as intricate appliqué illustrations.

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa

Appliqué illustrations by Mika Hirasa