
1 Theme, 5 Ways: Scenes from #Inktober 2016

#Inktober 2016 composite

It’s that won­der­ful time of year again when #Ink­to­ber (pre­vi­ous­ly, 2014 and 2015) makes an appear­ance on social media. If you’re unfa­mil­iar with this annu­al tra­di­tion, it’s a cre­ative chal­lenge for artist and illus­tra­tors to ink some­thing dur­ing the month of Octo­ber. Many peo­ple choose to post some­thing every­day, but Jake Park­er writes, “You can do it dai­ly, or go the half-marathon route and post every oth­er day, or just do the 5K and post once a week. What ever you decide, just be con­sis­tent with it. INK­to­ber is about grow­ing and improv­ing and form­ing pos­i­tive habits, so the more you’re con­sis­tent the better.”

While I don’t par­tic­i­pate, I love see­ing what oth­er peo­ple come up with! Jake pro­vides some prompts, but you’re total­ly wel­come to go off script and cre­ate your own themes. Here are 5 illus­tra­tors who show­case the pos­si­bil­i­ties with .

Julia Bereciartu

Julia Bereciartu illustration for #inktober 2016

For this year’s , Julia Bere­cia­r­tu is paint­ing “spon­ta­neous por­traits in ink and water­col­or” every two days or so. Com­posed of peo­ple and ani­mals, these small art­works are for sale through her online shop.

Julia Bereciartu #inktober 2016

Julia Bereciartu #inktober 2016

Gina Triplett

Gina Triplett illustration in sketchbook #inktober 2016

Gina Triplett has one of my favorite Insta­gram accounts, and her ver­sion the Octo­ber chal­lenge most­ly takes place in her sketch­book. The focus is on black and white with splash­es of vibrant color.

Gina Triplett illustration in sketchbook #inktober 2016

Gina Triplett illustration in sketchbook #inktober 2016

August Wren

August Wren illustration #inktober 2016

While Gina stuck with the strik­ing black and white com­bo, August Wren lets her inky hues explode over the page. The care­free flu­id­i­ty and dif­fused edges are cre­at­ed with both a dip pin as well as brush.

In addi­tion to , August also cre­ates a paint­ing a day. She’s prolific!

August Wren illustration #inktober 2016

August Wren illustration #inktober 2016

Gian Wong

Gian Wong typography #inktober 2016

Designy illus­tra­tor Gian Wong uses to make sure his “trad[itional] hands aren’t get­ting rusty,” His bold, typog­ra­phy-cen­tric pieces fea­ture let­ters as the burst from bold pat­terns and colors.

Gian Wong typography #inktober 2016

Gian Wong typography #inktober 2016

Kathleen Marcotte

Kathleen Marcotte illustration #inktober 2016

Kath­leen Mar­cotte cre­at­ed an apt theme for this month—horror movies! Her black and white draw­ings are a much less scary rein­ter­pre­ta­tion of some seri­ous­ly spooky films.

Kathleen Marcotte #inktober 2016 Kathleen Marcotte #inktober 2016